Isai Ma(i)yam voedsel

We managed to distribute 800 food packages!

Dear supporters

We have good and bad news. The good news is that in a short period of time we’ve already managed to distribute 800 food packages! This is fantastic news and we wouldn’t have been able to do this without your support! The food packages have been distributed to everybody that is involved in our projects and of course to the families and persons where our children are (unfortunately) currently still staying. In addition we have distributed packages to people in 13 surrounding villages. The need was high and the people are very grateful to the support we have given them. From the fact that 4 different tv news programmes (!) have broadcasted our action shows;  that it’s very special that help is being provided to those in need by people from the community itself. Also an article on our action will most probably be published in the Times of India shortly.

Still contacting the involved families and children on a regular basis

The bad news is that the Indian government has announced on the 31st of May 2020 that the lockdown measures will be extended. In certain areas of India certain measures will be somewhat released. But unfortunately for lots of poor people in the Pondicherry area this still means they will not be able to work and don’t have any income. The schools will most likely be closed until at least the 1st of July. For our projects this news means that we still cannot open up and at the moment there is also not any perspective on when we will be able to open up again. To us this raises concerns on the welfare of all the children which normally can enjoy a safe and carefree place with us. The children have to miss this place for a long time already now. To make sure we don’t lose track of them, but more importantly to ensure they are aware that we haven’t forgotten about them, our staff is still contacting the involved families and children on a regular basis.

As soon as we know more about when we can reopen the projects again we will let you know. In the meantime we have decided to continue with the distribution of the food packages, because the need is still very high. All support remains very welcome. For an amount of already EUR 12,- we can distribute a food package to 1 family which provides them with sufficient food for at least 2  weeks. A contribution can be made to the following account: NL73INGB0004865196 Isai Ma(i)yam)

Here you can view a TV broadcast