Foundation Isai Maiyam Children in India Pondicherry
Isai Maiyam Trust
The Isai Ma(i)yam trust is a small Indian private development organization.
The name Isai Ma(i)yam means ‘centre of music’ in the Tamil language. This name
shows that music is an important means to reach our goals. We want to teach
music, singing and dancing to all of our children as well as to the village children
from the surrounding villages.
The Isai Ma(i)yam Trust wants to drastically improve the living conditions of very
pour and handicapped children and youngsters.
We don’t want to leave these children to their own fate. Therefore, we want to
create healthy and vital living surroundings in which they ‘heal’ each other and learn
to take responsibility for themselves and others. In this way they can eventually
support and look after themselves. We hope that with the knowledge and skills
they learned, they can be of support for their close family members, neighbors,
and others.
*At the moment we are running only our handicap school. We are waiting for
renewing FCRA or prior-permission from the Indian government.
Future purpose through FCRA
-GIRLS HOME: We would like to give shelter to very pour/traumatic (orphaned)
children girls and youngsters in the Southeastern Indian city of Pondicherry and
help them to get a opportunistic future. The children will live with us permanently
in a safe, caring and loving environment.
-HANDICAP SCHOOL: We supply day care for physically and mentally disabled
children and young adults five days a week. This we would like to continue.
-ART SCHOOL: Through music, singing, dancing, and (illustrative) art we would like
to help very pour children regain fun in their lives and increase their self-esteem
and self-confidence. Following by English conversation lessons and computer
classes in order to prepare the children for future and collage time.
-STUDY SUPPORT: We would like to give financial support for very poor youth for
higher studies.
*At the moment only we are running Handicap school. In future we hope to
re-open Girls Home, Art school and give study support.
We would like to take care of around 25 children in the ages of 5 through 18 years.
We will give shelter and healthy food, as well as good education, and financial and
emotional support. During the day our children can go to a community school in the
vicinity, where they follow a basic education of twelve years. They are always
brought and picked up to and from school.
Our houses have suitable spaces for practicing music, dance and to study. After
school hours the children will be supported daily in doing their homework,
practicing computer skills and English conversation lessons.
During the weekend the children can stay at our Art school. This is a kind of
‘country house’ in the country village Raya Petei, near Auroville. There they can play
sports, play around, and have a rest from city life. Here the children will learn to
play music, sing and dance, and they can be creative in many other ways like English
conversation and computer skills.
Isai Ma(i)yam means ‘Centre of music’. Through music, singing, dancing, and
(illustrative) art we help our children regain fun in their lives and increase their
self-esteem and self-confidence. Being busy in a creative way helps the children to
express themselves in a better way and stimulates unity. Music and dance are a
fine way of getting positive energy and forget problems or bad memories for a
For this reason we have an Art school in the village Raya Pettai, near Auroville,
every weekend and during holidays. Here we can also teach music, singing and
dancing on a weekly basis to children from the villages in the vicinity, following
English conversation lessons and computer classes in order to prepare the children
for future and collage time.
*At the moment only our handicap children are using the Art school for their
sports and art activities on Wednesday. We hope soon we can re-open Art
school for the village children in the weekends.
Five times a week a group of 48 mentally and/or physically disabled children and
young adults come to Isai Ma(i)yam. In Pondicherry we have made our building in:
Ananda Special School. Two young adults completed the music education, are the
daily supervisors and take care of the daily program with music and creative
workshops. They are supported by two Indian social security women who have the
required experience.
The handicapped children do yoga, dance, sports, gardening, educational games,
reading and writing exercises, doing handmade like embroidering work, tailoring,
mat making, soap making. Further sign language, music like keyboard and flute,
singing, percussion and they bring themselves a warm meal. Very often we are
getting meals as lunchtime for the handicap kids from neighbors and marriage
couples. They are being picked up in the morning and brought back home in the
afternoon by our bus that has been especially modified to be able to transport
these children.